01 4624143

09:10 - 14:50

Monday to Friday

01 462 4143


Action Day: Live Like our Grandparents Energy Saving Day

We had an action day that was called ‘Live Like our Grandparents Energy Saving Day’. We encouraged the children to walk and cycle to school. Staff carpooled. The children and staff dressed up like the olden days. We put the children into rows in the classrooms. We used no lights, heating, computers or interactive whiteboards for the day. We played yard games from the olden days with the children e.g skipping, chasing, hopscotch etc for PE and encouraged them to play outside at home instead of watching tv or playing on their computers. We had the Grandparents come in and talk to the children about energy usage in their day. They did activities with the children which did not use electricity e.g knitting, card games, ball games, board games and using blackboards and chalk. The green school committee did an energy inspection on the day. They followed up our Action Day with a survey on the Monday to see how many children tried to continue on our Action Day at home.

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