School Uniform: The school uniform consists of a navy-blue jumper or cardigan, light-blue shirt, grey trousers or skirt, school tie and black shoes (appropriate for outdoor yard activity). The school tracksuit, which is worn for PE on two days per week is a navy-blue crested sweatshirt, blue polo-shirt, navy-blue bottoms and runners (not canvas shoes). The crested school P.E. sweatshirt and school tie are available to purchase in The Sisters, Village Green, Tallaght. There is no school coat due to the confusion they cause at home-time. Children are requested to bring a coat to school each day and hat, scarf, gloves in the colder weather.

Jewellery Policy: Children are asked not to wear items of jewellery, which could potentially put them or other children in danger of getting injured or of picking up infections. Children who already have their ears pierced are allowed to wear stud style earrings but not drop earrings. However, under no circumstances are children allowed to have any other exposed area of their bodies pierced, for health and safety reasons. A child who arrives at school wearing jewellery, other than stud earrings and watches will be asked to remove them and place them in their bags.

Childs belongings: It is important that each child’s name is marked on every item of their belongings – coat, jumper, sweatshirt, lunch box, school bag, books and copies. Jumpers, coats etc which are found with no name on them are placed in a Lost Property box in the corridor. Parents are welcome to check this box for items belonging to their child. Children should not bring toys or personal belongings to school, except by arrangement with the teacher – e.g. for Golden Time. Children should not bring mobile phones, mp3 players, games consoles or other expensive equipment into school.

Mobile Phone & Use Of School Phone: In the event that a mobile phone is required for after school activities, the student must ensure it is turned off and in their schoolbags at all times. Phones may be confiscated by staff and returned to parents/guardians. Children who urgently need to contact their parents are welcome to use the school phone, with the permission of the Principal.

As part of Health Education, we engage in health-promotion programmes such as Food Dudes which encourage the children to eat a healthy lunch, for example, sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt and drinks low in sugar.

To assist with keeping children and the school clean during the average day crisps, chocolate bars and very flaky food are not allowed in the school except on special occasions. It would be beneficial and helpful if treats such as bars, sweets, etc. could be limited to special occasions. As part of the Schools Milk programme, cartons of milk are available for purchase in the school on a termly basis.